At The CocoPod

Luxurious lashes

We use only the best quality products & cashmere lashes Our lash technician Laura specialises in Russian Lash Sets and enjoys keeping up to date with modern styles and techniques.
Length & style are all customisable for your own individual set of lashes based on your own requirements and strength of your natural lashes. Having had extensive training in not only isolation but the best mapping and aftercare provided to keep your natural lashes strong and healthy.

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Trained at the highly reputable Lashbase Academy, our lash technicians offer only the highest standard of treatement.


All our lash treatments are tailored entirely to the client with length and volume adjusted to suit each individual.


At the CocoPod we only use the best quality products and cashmere lashes. Our techniques ensure long retention to keep your lashes looking better for longer

Lash treatments

Hybrid is a combination of classic ( one lash per one natural lash ) and volume techniques.
𝗢𝗡𝗘 single lash extension placed on top of one natural lash, alternating with a fan of between 3-5 lashes per natural lash.
Creating a fluffy effect which isn’t too full but lasts longer than a classic set.

Here at The Coco Pod our Russian  volume means each fan is individually handmade so can be completely tailored to you.
For a dramatic effect,  we can place up to 8 lashes per natural lash
 (your outcome will vary on how many natural lashes you have and the health and strength of your natural lashes)

As a rule, we generally recommend Hybrid for a natural look and Volumes and Russians for a fuller, more dramatic look. They also last longer and look better for longer too.

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Pre-Appointment advice

Please ensure you arrive at your appointment with clean lashes and without any makeup.
Do not use any lash growth or conditioning oils for at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Lash Aftercare

Keep your lashes dry for 24 hours
NO mascara
Try to sleep on your back
Brush your lashes daily
Do not pick or pull  at your lashes -
Do not  curl your lashes, they won’t need it-
Avoid chemical peels around the eye area
Avoid make up around the eye area
If unavoidable, do make sure to thoroughly wash eye area afterwards, with our professional lash bath (available to buy in clinic ) to avoid build up of make up